Showflat Hotline


Showflat Hotline
Early Bird Discount

Latest Update: November 2024
To check on unit availability, see the Balance Units Chart. The Price Min & Max is based on currently available units.

*Unit Areas excludes A/C ledges

Note: Unit sizes subject to final survey

The above is a price comparison between different projects in District 15. Emerald of Katong prices is as attractive as it get when you compare it with projects like Tembusu Grand, The Continuum, Grand Dunman, Meyer Blue, Union Square, One Sophia, Chuan Park and even Nava Grove. Besides just the price point, the value from this development is really what makes this project stand out.

Discover pricing and detailed information like share value and estimated maintenance fees for Emerald of Katong units. Nestled in the heart of District 15, this development is competitively priced in the area. Our comprehensive price list is designed to guide you in selecting the perfect home that aligns with your financial goals and lifestyle needs. Prices are subject to change based on market conditions and inventory levels.

The minimum price and maximum price are based on currently available units. The Emerald of Katong price list does not reflect if a particular unit has been sold. This information can be found on our Balance Units Chart page.

The price list of Emerald of Katong displayed here is for reference purposes. Prices are subject to change from time to time without prior notice. This webpage cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies, omissions and/or disputes. We recommend checking with our sales team at 6100 8110 or submitting a contact form.